FAQs | Program

Program Questions

Program Q&As

Our EIGO Fund has partnered with Hope Rising SEL to provide Hope through emotional intelligence curriculum. To learn more about Hope Rising EDU visit their website at www.hoperisingedu.com.

Yes, you can designate a school provided that it meets the requirements of the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act. The school must be designated as a public school in the state of Oklahoma.

All schools interested in receiving a grant from Forming Lives OK EIGO must complete an application. All applications are reviewed and awarded based on need and use of funds.

Please contact Stacy Valentine at stacyv@okeigo.org to learn more.

No. Forming Lives OK EIGO only awards grants to schools located in Oklahoma.

Yes, charter schools are public schools (by law) that are allowed the freedom to be more innovative while being held accountable for advancing student achievement. Because they are considered a public school, they are qualified to receive EIGO funds as long as they are in the state of Oklahoma as outlined by the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act.

The scholarship act requires that each EIGO disperse the funds it receives within 18 months as grants for eligible schools during the following academic year. Any unused funds will be used to award grants to other eligible schools within that same time period.

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Forming Lives OK EIGO is a recognized 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. As such, your contribution also qualifies The Internal Revenue Service as a charitable tax deduction contribution.